Visitor Safety Waiver and Release of Liability
By entering the private property of Sweet Piedmont, LLC, you agree to the following:
Participant Waiver
I understand that while Sweet Piedmont, LLC strives to provide a safe and pleasant environment for all
visitors and participants, visiting a farm and/or participating in events on the premise involves certain
inherent risks. Inherent risks are dangers that may include, but aDre not limited to: (1) natural hazards
and conditions; (2) the behavior of wild, domestic, or farm animals; and (3) ordinary dangers of
structures or equipment typically used in farming or gardening operations. I have carefully considered
the risks involved and have given consent for myself and/or my child to participate in these activities.
I understand that participation in these activities is entirely voluntary and requires participants to
abide by Sweet Piedmont, LLC farm rules and standards of conduct. While visiting Sweet Piedmont,
LLC, I agree for myself and/or my child to stay within areas that are marked for visitor used; refrain
from sitting on or using farm equipment or vehicles in any way; not to enter buildings or open gates or
building doors; stay off fences, gates, ladders, and infrastructure; and to exercise reasonable caution
and care. I agree for myself and/or my child to follow any guidelines provided by Sweet Piedmont, LLC
or its employees.
I release, waive, and discharge Sweet Piedmont, LLC, their members, agents, volunteers, or employees
from any and all liability to me, my heirs, and next of kin for any and all claims, demands, losses, or
damages, related to my use of Sweet Piedmont, LLC property.
Medical Release
I understand that there is no health insurance or medical coverage provided. I accept responsibility for
payment of any medical treatment which may be required while I and/or my child is visiting the farm
or that results from a visit.
Media Release
I grant permission to Sweet Piedmont, LLC and its agents and assigns to take and use photographs,
audio, or videos of myself and/or my child for promotional or publicity purposes without further
notifying me or providing compensation. I understand that I may opt out at any time.
I have had sufficient opportunity to read this entire document. I have read it and understood it and
agree to be bound to its terms. I agree to it voluntarily.